Neo-Pastorale / Kunstverein Neukölln
10 Years of InterViews
Join us in celebrating 10 Years of InterViews
Release of Issue 17 – featuring contributions from Aleksandra Bielas, Frauke Boggasch, Antonia Breme, Kirstin Burckhardt and Lisa W. Carlson, Robin Detje, Elisa Duca, Stephanie Hanna, Yuki Jungesblut, Marte Kiessling, Zora Kreuzer, Dominik Louda, Marie Melchiorsen, Yves Mettler, Philipp Modersohn, Linda Reif, Lea Schleiffenbaum, Janine Sack, Katrin Lamb, Mika Kono, Martin Sulzer, Ino Varvariti, Andreas Waldén, and Anna-Lena Wenzel.
Saturday, November 16, 7 pm
With performances and readings by Aleksandra Bielas, Frauke Boggasch, Marie Melchiorsen, Yves Mettler, Ayumi Rahn and Nele Konopka & Martin Sulzer aka God.
And Whiskey Sours by Matthias Droste.
New Toni
Immanuelkirchstraße 1510405 Berlin
OPENING: Friday, November 15, 5 – 11 p.m.
From November 16, 2024 to January 12, 2025, two projects dealing with the medium of drawing will be presented at Berlin's Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien: ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS - a project for original drawings, curated by the artist Anke Becker and LINES FICTION – a project for animated drawings and films, curated by the artist Bettina Munk.
7 p.m.
Welcome: Stéphane Bauer / Head of Kunstraum Kreuzberg
Introduction: Anke Becker / Project founder Anonymous Drawings
Bettina Munk / Project founder Lines Fiction
8 p.m.
Sale of drawings for 250 € each / Cash and card payment
& DJ-Set: Andrea Dama
Mariannenplatz 2
D -10997 Berlin
The exhibition ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS 2024 features roughly 1000 drawings by 1000 international artists. The works are presented with no mention of authorship or title and offered for sale at a symbolic price of 250€ each. The identity of the artist is revealed only after the work is sold: Sold drawings will be taken right off the wall and the empty space left behind will be marked with the artist‘s full name and place of origin. ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS is conceptual art and an exhibition project all in one: the works of the participating artists become part of a large wall installation; a hierarchy-free homage to the diverse medium of drawing. The exhibition was preceded by an international open call for entries. There were no requirements in terms of content or form. The only requirement was that the submitted drawing is no bigger than A3. Age, biography or gender of the artists were not requested and did not play any role in the anonymous selection process. The exhibited drawings were selected from over 4400 submissions by the artist and project founder Anke Becker. All the drawings were put together in collaboration with the artists Veronike Hinsberg and Inken Reinert to create a collective work of art. Parallel to the exhibition of ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS, the project LINES FICTION will present an extensive series of animated short films by international artists.
November 15, 2024 – January 12, 2025
Sundays to Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursdays to Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien will be closed on 01.05., 24.12., 25.12., 31.12. 2024 and 01.01.2025
Mariannenplatz 2
D -10997 Berlin
Billo @Wilke-Atelier Bremerhaven
Club @Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch
Club - 22. Juli - 29. Oktober
Eine Ausstellung als Fiktion, in dem die Spuren eines imaginären Underground-Ortes zu erahnen sind, und gleichzeitig die Illusion eines laufenden Clubbetriebs dekonstruiert und simuliert wird.
Die Künstler:innen der Ausstellung sind alle direkt oder indirekt mit der Clubkultur verwoben. Sie erzählen in ihren Arbeiten von den verschiedenen Aspekten dieser Orte und setzen sich mit dem sozio-kulturellen Kosmos der Clubkultur auseinander. Mit ihren künstlerischen Arbeiten laden sie die Besucher:innen ein, sich auf eine Reise durch das Narrativ eines besonderen Ortes zu begeben.
Mit der Setzung der unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Interventionen im Innen- und Außenbereich entsteht so die Erzählung eines ausgedachten Clubs. Dieses Narrativ eines Off-Ortes, der tatsächlich so in Berlin existieren könnte, dient als Metapher für die notwendigen Experimentier- und Möglichkeitsräume für die Kunst- und Kulturszene in Metropolen.
Alle drei Wochen tritt ein neuer Resident Artist auf und bespielt musikalisch, künstlerisch und performativ einen Bereich des Innen- und Außenraums.
Ein Projekt von: Filomeno Fusco & Marte Kiessling
mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Sylvia Anselm
Opening 21.1.2023 | LOST PARADISE Marte Kiessling
Opening January 21, 18 – 21 Marte Kiessling LOST PARADISE Marte Kiessling Jan 21 – Feb 18, 2023 Humanity longs for paradise, the mystical place from which we feel banished and to which we wish to return, where ease and bliss await. This longing drives people in their quest. Often forgotten is the present, the contentment in the now, the paradise on earth. Marte Kiessling reminds us of the lost connection to our long-present place of longing by overgrowing the gallery space with a room-filling installation, thus critically questioning our behavior on this planet. GALERIE KONSTANZE WOLTER e.artis contemporary Theaterstraße 58 | 09111 Chemnitz Phone 0371 8000 7832 Mail MO – FR 10 – 17 + on appointment |
50 participating artists, in alphabetical order:
Andrea Imwiehe / Annaleen Louwes / Arja Hop & Peter Svenson / Aurélien Lepetit / Charlott Markus / Chris Oatey / Corinna Loria / Dora Lionstone / Eduardo Rojo / Elena Mazzi / Eyal Pinkas / Finn Godwin / Floor Meijers / Florian Japp / Giorgos Gripeos / Hangfeng Chen / Hanna Mattes / Jacopo Calonaci / Jadranko Barišić / James Beckett / Janneke Raaphorst / Jonas Lund / Joris Landman / Julia Walter / Kuh Del Rosario / Lena Karson / Lisa Sudhibhasilp / Mandra Wabäck / Maria Lalou & Skafte Aymo-Boot / Mariana Jurado Rico / Marissa Engels / Marte Kiessling / Matthijs Diederiks / Meng Donglai / Moira Barrett / Oran Hoffmann / Paula Muhr / Qiu Yang / Rebecca Sakoun / Rei Matsushima / Rogier Marius / Sander Breure & Witte van Hulzen / Simon Veres / Stefano Pia / Tania Theodorou / Thomas Behling / Thomas Manneke / Victor Brangolo / Voin de Voin / Vytautas Kumza
Dead Darlings are excited to invite you to our upcoming anonymous art auction, winter edition Issues!²
This will wrap up the second part of our 15th edition under the theme Issues and it will take place smack in the middle of Amsterdam at the historical artist-run space Vrij Paleis, Paleisstraat 107, on Sunday December 11th at 4 o’clock sharp. Register here ahead of time! Inspired by the original function of Vrij Paleis as a printing press, and the swelling tide of issues developing in our times, we have entitled our upcoming auction: Issues!² Yes, as in the issue of a newspaper but also interpreting broader definitions of the word such as: the matter in question, a predicament, a consequence, or a thing under discussion.The space will be open for preview 1-6 pm Saturday 10th and 1-4 pm on Sunday 11th. Make sure you come early enough to give yourself time to browse the artworks and find a good spot! How our auction works: entrance is free, all are welcome. To bid at the auction you need to register and get a paddle. Our amazing tabloid newspaper catalogue — a homage to our hosting space — will be available from Saturday and can be yours for a mere five euros! With the catalogue you receive a free numbered paddle to bid with! We highly recommend you obtain one to help you navigate the auction and support Dead Darlings. For the summer edition we made a serious Broadsheet paper, (that you can browse here) but this time you are in for a fun tabloid edition, complete with the zany sensationalist headlines of that genre, that will tell a story and hopefully also make you smile. With each catalogue you will get a free beer from Oedipus no less, who are generously providing our event with their sensational beers! Our auction is conducted in a comfortable informal atmosphere, where guests are free to come and go. There will be a bar and a break in the middle. You can pay cash or card, and may take your artwork home immediately after the sale!
Bring good vibes, your wallet, your friends, and leave the rest to us!
This edition of Dead Darlings is taking place with the kind support of AFK.
Coming up!!
Part 2 04.12.2022 @ Schrauberwerkstatt
Live-Hybrid-Exhibition-Performance-Radio Show by Filomeno Fusco
with @martekiessling ; @janineeggert ; @zorakreuzer ; @jornebner and @_harry_s_team_
Powered by BBK Bund Neustart Kultur